Engineering blogs


Simple registration and login form using servlet, postgresql database (eclipse/ framework)


Use of h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 html tags
Use of bold, strong, italic, emphasize HTML tags
How to create simple registration form using HTML and CSS
How to design login page in HTML and CSS
HTML cheat sheet | All HTML TAGS LIST 
CSS Cheat Sheet 


Daily Meal Hotel Website  Development Project

  1. Android app to add 2 numbers

MATPLOTLIB EXAMPLES - Python Programming
  1. Line Chart
  2. Scatter Plot
  3. Pie Chart
  4. Bar Chart
  5. Histogram Plot
  6. Area Plot
NUMPY EXAMPLES - Python Programming
  1. Tutorial 1
  2. Tutorial 2
  3. Tutorial 3
  4. Tutorial 4
PANDAS EXAMPLES - Python Programming


  1. What is Data Science, applications, tools, uses, challenges? 
  2. What is visualization of data in Data science?
  3. Hypothesis Testing and Bayesian Inference in Data Science
  4. Working with data in Data Science 
  5. Clustering in Data Science 
  6. Difference between classification, clustering and regression with examples and applications.
  7. Difference between supervised, unsupervised and semi supervised learning with examples and applications.
  8. Basics of Naive Bayes Algorithm in Data Science -Definition, Advantages, Disadvantages, Applications, Basic Implementation.
  9. Web Scraping in Data Science 
  10. Web Scraping in Data Science - python program | Example 1
  11. Web Scraping in Data Science - python program | Example 2
Big Data

  1. How to calculate edge betweenness centrality in Big Data?
  2. How to calculate vertex betweenness centrality in Big Data?
  3. How to calculate matrix multiplication using 1 step MapReduce in Big Data?
  4. Dividing samples into 2 clusters using K means algorithm and euclidean distance in Big Data
  5. Determine distinct elements in the stream using Flajolet Martin Algorithm in Big Data
  6. Types of Distance Measures in Big Data
  7. Page Rank Example 
  8. Page rank example using Random Surfer Model

C Programs 

C programs related to maths
  1. C program to add,divide,subtract,multiply,modulus of 2 numbers
  2. C program to display number in matrix format
  3. C program to calculate the transpose of matrix 
  4. C program to add n numbers
C programs related to comparison

  1. C program to swap 2 numbers
  2. c program to find the largest of 2 numbers
  3. c program to find the largest of 3 numbers 
C programs related to comparison

  1. C Program to bubble sort an array in Ascending and Descending order

C programs related to strings

  1. c program to compare 2 strings using strcmp
  2. C program to check alphabet or not
  3. conversion of lowercase to uppercase and uppercase to lowercase of an alphabet
  4. conversion of lowercase to uppercase and uppercase to lowercase of a word
  5. C program to delete vowels from a string
  6. C program to delete consonants from a string
  7. C program to remove underscores from a string
  8. C program to remove underscore and substitute it with  white spaces in a string
  9. C program to remove white spaces and substitute it with underscore in a string
  10. C program to insert space after every character in a sentence
  11. C program to replace white spaces with underscore and to uppercase all characters in a string
  12. C program to replace white spaces with hypens and to lowercase all characters in a string

C programs related to array

  1. c program to copy elements of 1 array to another array
  2. c program to reverse an array

C Pattern Programs

  1. Pattern 1
  2. Pattern 2

C Programs for DFA

  1. Conversion of DFA/ Regular expression to c program for (01* + 10*) 11
  2. Conversion of DFA / Regular expression to C program for  ((0 +1 )* 01))

Theoretical Computer Science

 Ambiguous Grammar | leftmost and rightmost derivations

  1. Example 1
  2. Example 2
Conversion of  CFG [context free grammar ] to CNF [ chomsky normal form ]

Engineering blogs