How to make a professional hotel or restaurant website using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP | HTML Projects | Website Development Projects | Engineering Projects | TERMS AND CONDITIONS WEB PAGE OF DAILY MEAL HTML CODE

Here's the HTML code of terms and condition of Daily Meal Hotel.

Save it as terms.html in the company folder.

<title> Terms and Conditions </title>

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<!-------------------------------------------TERMS AND CONDITIONS------------------------->

<strong>  USE OF THE Daily Meal PRE-BOOKING AND ONLINE BOOKING SERVICES </strong> <br><br>

The online Pre-booking services are for information only. THE USER WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL WITHIN 24 HRS, CONFIRMING IF THEIR BOOKING HAS BEEN PROCESSED, AND WILL CONSEQUENTLY ONLY BECOME BINDING ONCE NH HAS ACCEPTED THE RESERVATION BY MEANS OF EMAIL CONFIRMATION AND SUBSEQUENT PAYMENT BY THE USER. The user must verify the booking confirmation and notify Daily Meal of any error immediately in writing. <br><br>
<strong>b. Procurement procedure:</strong> When using the service, the user will receive an email confirmation in which is included the confirmation that their purchase order is in the process of being confirmed. If you are a customer, once the corresponding debit for your reservation has been made, you will receive an email confirming this; this email serves as proof of your booking.
<strong>c. Guarantee: </strong>The booking is confirmed and guaranteed overnight with a credit card. In the event of a no-show without prior notice, the first night will be charged (including VAT and taxes).
<strong>d. Termination of the contract or cancellation of the booking:</strong> The credit card is solely a means of guarantee. Cancellation of the booking by the user will not incur any charges for advance cancellation, provided that this is done prior to the specified deadline in each country (local time at the hotel) on the day of arrival. Once this threshold has passed, Daily Meal will make a cancellation charge as compensation, which will amount to the cost of the first night (including VAT and taxes), with the exception of hotels in Germany, where 10% of the stay may be refunded as compensation for expenses not incurred.
This clause does not apply to bookings made with special rates. In this case, the respective specified conditions shall apply.
In any case, any dispute arising from the provision of services in the hotel in which the client is staying shall be submitted to the consumer courts.
<p>The purpose of this document is to regulate the GENERAL TERMS or CONDITIONS OF PROCUREMENT of the Pre-booking and Online Booking services (hereafter, and interchangeably, Pre-booking and Online Booking services, or services) of Daily Meal Hotel, Mumbai, India.
The use of these services implies full and unconditional acceptance and validity of each and all the General Terms and/or Conditions which are deemed to be automatically incorporated into the contract concluded with NH, without the need for your written transcription in the same included in the latest version of these General Terms and/or Conditions.</p>
<strong> By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the user expressly authorizes Daily Meal to automatically take payment for the provision of its services using the details of the bank card provided by the user when making the hotel room booking. Daily Meal shall inform the user of the exact amount that will be taken before it is taken (this information is specifically shown on the Online Check-out form).

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How to make a professional hotel or restaurant website using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP | HTML Projects | Website Development Projects | Engineering Projects | TERMS AND CONDITIONS WEB PAGE OF DAILY MEAL HTML CODE
Terms and conditions of Daily Meal Hotel

Daily Meal Hotel Website  Development Project

How to make a professional hotel or restaurant website using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, PHP | HTML Projects | Website Development Projects | Engineering Projects | TERMS AND CONDITIONS WEB PAGE OF DAILY MEAL HTML CODE