Get to know me Part 3

Get to know me part 3
get to know me blog harsha navalkar

I have been given questions by my dear friend and blogger, Anisha Ratadia. So here it comes.

1. What’s the first thing you notice about people?

The first thing that I notice about people is the nose (I know it's kind of strange, but yes 😅🙈🙈 ) and the smile as happy faces are always attractive. 😃

2. Scary movie or happy ending - what do you prefer?

    I  would prefer
1) Happy ending
2)  Scary movies with happy ending (But I doubt whether I'll sustain till the happy ending 😰🙈)

3. Do you hold any convictions that you are willing to die for ?

I think God has gifted us with such beautiful life. So till now, I don't have any convictions for which I'll sacrifice the most precious gift.

4. What is the one thing you wish you were gifted at doing ?

It is  always fascinating how singers sing so well. If I had to wish, then definitely it will be singing.

5. On a scale of 1-10 Rate Yourself (10 highest )
 A ) Cooking skills - 2
B ) Fashion sense -5
C ) Handling different types of people- 6
(And these grades will definitely improve with time

6.  Would you like to have a temporary/permanent tattoo in future?  If yes, what it will be about ?

I don't know about the permanent tattoo, but if I'll have a temporary tattoo, it'll probably be
 "Believe in yourself"
or "Rising high" or may be "any floral design".

7.  Who are some of your favorite youtubers ?

To name a few
Nas daily
Ashish chanchlani vines

8.  what is the most hilarious dream you had ever seen ?

I was afraid of dogs and so when I was in my 4th grade, I had dreamed that a dog is running behind me. I am running as fast as I can. And when I reach home and close the door, the dog comes breaking the door and bites me on my leg and I start crying. This was one of the hilarious dreams that I get. And God knows why I get such dreams?

9. What is something that a ton of people are obsessed with but you just don’t get the point of?

I think many people like  games of killing and shooting. I am not a fan of such computer games (no offence )

10. What book impacted you the most?

For now, they are Alchemist by Paulo Coelho ,To kill a mockingbird by Nell Harperlee. Actually, there are many more and the list will go on as I will read more and more books.

Thank you so much for reading and following my work !!

Much love,

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