Chinchani camp part 3

Chinchani camp part 3
If you have missed the Part 1 and 2 click here

The people of chinchani had so much love and kindness for strangers. One such incident took place where my friend had to stitch her footwear. It was afternoon.We hunted for a cobbler. After asking the local people , we  finally got one cobbler in the market. He used to sit in a open cement market building where usually there was a market in the early morning.  Unfortunately ,he was speech impaired. He cannot speak. He used to yell in loud voice and used sign language.We tried to converse with him in the sign language. He stitched and gave the chappal. Despite not having a change, he refused to keep the change offered by my friend.

  After few days, again we need to go to cobbler because my bag strap had broken. We headed to find him again. We mistakenly were going to a place , when we heard someone shouting. We saw the person was the cobbler. He was a few distance away. He used the sign language and told us to move away from that place. We later realised why he was doing so. There were many men who were drinking alcohol in that place. We all were overwhelmed by the cobbler's gesture and we all thanked him for his concern. We were getting late as we had to go to school. He indicated that it's alright if you come to take your bag  after your program is over. So,  I gave my bag to him and we went ahead to the zp school.

All the Nss volunteers  went to the zp school and anganwadi. The total children in the school were equal to the children in one division of any Mumbai school's. The volunteers held various fun activities for the children such as dance, on the spot creation of  story from 3 words given to them ,drawing, singing poems  and many more. The children were so sporting and participated whole heartedly.

After the programs were over, we headed back to take my bag. But my friend and I were shocked to see that the cobbler was not there at his place. I got tensed because I had left my college I'd and some little things in the bag. We searched him in the market but we didn't found him. But then, we heard the same voice of yelling again. I was happy to see him. He indicated us that he went to drink tea. He then set up his stall and gave my bag. He had stitched all the four sides of the hand bag. I was overwhelmed.

The Nss volunteers had also arranged seminars such as time management, life skill development, health and hygiene, dry and wet waste management and sustainability seminar.We also had a bag making workshop.

We visited the dye maker factory .(Dye making -Business of most of the people of the place. ) We interacted with the employees and saw various machines.
Dye Making (chinchani)

Dye Making (Chinchani )

And finally ,we went to adivasi pada for donation.
Adivasi Pada (Chinchani )

We returned to Mumbai and our trip came to an end.

Hope you enjoyed reading this post.

Check out all the Chinchani pics   - Click @harsha_navalkar
