Chinchani camp Part 1

Chinchani camp part 1
I had gone to Chinchani, Dahanu, Maharashtra for a 7 day NSS CAMP. I learned a lot about the local people, their life, nature and the problems faced by them.

On the first day, after having our lunch, my 3 friends and I had gone to the village and took a survey of the local residents of the village. The survey was based on the main issues faced by villagers that is waste management, water supply, electricity supply, source of income, health issues etc.


The  survey that we took revealed that few people dispose garbage in garbage trucks and tanks. Most of them admitted that they throw their garbage in beaches and on roads.

We found that there are many reasons for doing this.

1. The garbage trucks were not frequent.
2. The villagers had the mentality that there's nothing wrong in throwing the garbage in beaches as everyone does so.
3. They had lack of knowledge about the waste management, segregation of dry and wet waste.
4. There were not enough facilities provided.


Chinchani was not totally a village. Some of the people were very rich. They had bungalows and these people had regular water supply because they had constructed boring, hand pumps and Wells.
Most of the poor people had irregular water supply. Some of them got water supply alternate days and some got twice a week . When we asked the villagers "Is the water supply sufficient for carrying day to day activities?"
Most of them told that they try to make it sufficient.


Major problem which not only the villagers but also the NSS Volunteers  suffered was the shortage of electricity . Despite having a power plant in their region, there was no proper supply of electricity. The target region of the power plant was Mumbai. Electric supply was cut at any point of time. It was unpredictable. Villagers also told that load shedding mostly happened on Friday for 8 hours and sometimes the whole day. Few people who had good source of income had generators in their homes.


The survey revealed that there villagers were majorly engaged in 3 occupations. They were government services, fishery and dye making (Majority ).The fishermen used to catch fishes and sell them in the daily market ( 9am-1pm).
Most of them did dye making to earn their daily bread. They had the dye making machines in their home as well. When there is no electricity, people run this machines on generators.


our focus was to rise awareness about the full body medical checkup for the villagers which was going to be conducted after a day. We briefed the villagers about the medical camp and asked whether they are interested to come. Few were very shy. Few already had some free homeopathy checkups. Most of them said that they had never done a full body medical checkup. When we asked the reason behind it, they said that they do medical checkups only during an illness.

Thank you for reading !! ♡♥

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