The 10 question challenge | Get to know me Part 2

The 10 question challenge | Get to know me Part 2
     "The 10 Question challenge" is a challenge given by my dear friend ,singer,dancer and  blogger Rucha Bendale  where in she asks questions about me and I have to answer it honestly.
She wriets lovely blogs .Go check out her blog

If you have not checked earlier post: Get to know me part 1

So, here  we go..

 harsha navalkar

1. What do u regret in your life?

 I regret nothing in my life. I believe whatever happens with people whether good or bad happens for a reason. A good event boosts our morale and a bad event gives important learning’s required in future.

2. If not engineering, what would you choose as your career and why?

If not engineering then definitely I would chose Photography as my career
A)     It helps me freeze moments which will stay with me forever.
B)     It will be more like a visual diary of my life.
C)     I get to travel to different places and who doesn’t love exploring new places.
D)    It helps you to observe the surroundings more carefully.
E)    Good amount of money can be earned.
F)    Every photograph has a story, so few poems that I wrote are nothing but story behind those pictures. So basically, you can be a storyteller.

Jim Corbett National Park, India
 (Harsha Navalkar Photography)

Rishikesh, India
(Harsha Navalkar Photography)

You can check my basic phone photography work in @daily__experience   and post processing in @harsha_navalkar (can’t help ,but promote)

3. What was the funniest thing you did?

 In my childhood, when I was in nursery kindergarten I forgot my favorite shaka laka boom boom pencil in the school. After few days, I forgot my water bottle. Then one fine day, I left my bag at the school and came home empty handed.A bus used to drop me to home. So one day, after the bus dropped me on the road near my house, I literally forget where my house was, due to which the bus again took me to school. And I can’t even tell how madly I laughed when Mom was narrating these stupid things I used to do in childhood.So, this is the funniest thing that I did unknowingly.

4. Name one movie that describes you or your life.

 Alright, so this is actually a tough question to answer. I Google searched it and  there was website called  where there were questions I had to answer and after the analysis I got  “Bridgets jones Diary” as a movie that describes my life .Well, I actually have not seen the film and have no idea about it.

 5. If you had a superpower what will you do?

If I had a superpower,  I will definitely freeze time. Time is the only factor which waits for nobody. A human being has no control on it. By freezing time everyone will get how much ever time they want to complete a particular task. Most importantly “you will never be late”. Such an easy life, right?

6. Why do you write blogs?

1)   To become a better writer.
2)  To showcase my ideas in front of the world.
3) To become a better thinker.
4)  My blog acts as a small diary of my life.
5)  To share my passion and hobbies with the world.
6)  It boosts my confidence.
7)  Once written can never be erased, so even if I am not there, my words will remain forever.

7. If you had a chance to go back in time and correct one thing, what would that be?

Even If I get a chance, I will not correct anything because then I do not know that even after correcting will it serve me good or bad as life is so unpredictable. Whatever bad things happened in the past has made me a better person. It taught me to stay strong, work hard, enjoy life, move ahead in life. I will not get these essential learning's if everything falls in the right place.

8. Did you ever hurt anyone? If yes how?

I probably hurt people when I am angry on them. When I am not in a good mood, I tend to behave in a wrong way and which I guess is the situation that everyone faces.

 9. What makes you happy?

1) Photography (will always be in the top )
2)  Blogging
3)  Fighting with the siblings for the last piece of delicious food and eventually getting it.(yeah, I know it’s quite silly but those who have siblings will definitely understand this situation. )
4)  Listening to my favorite songs.
5)  Talking with like minded people.
6) Early morning walk.
7) Doing things that I love to do.
8)  Going for a long vacation.
9)  Reading books of my favorite author
10)  When someone praises me ( well , everyone loves this , right ? ) and much more.
I believe that we should find happiness in the small things that we do.

10. Do you think friendship is greater than love?

Definitely friendship is greater than love. When we choose a friend it does not matter what caste, religion etc. the person belongs to. A true friendship lasts longer. We don’t have to impress anyone in friendship. Also there are fewer expectations compared to love.

Thank you so much for reading. 

Check the next post Get to know me part 3

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