The 10 question challenge Part 1 | Get to know me

The 10 question challenge Part 1 | Get to know me

harsha navalkar blog get to know me
Harsha Navalkar

"The 10 Question challenge" is a challenge given by my dear friend and blogger Harshada Nandvikar where in she asks questions about me and I have to answer it honestly.
So, here  we go..

1. If u would have only one wish it would be....

Peace and happiness everywhere.

2. What is your one of the most embarrassing moment ?

I will tell about the recent embarrassing moment.  My sister and I had gone to attend a function of our samaj. There were few ladies standing besides us and having pleasant talks.There was a old man in late fifties standing a few distance apart. Suddenly, my sister pointed to that old men and started smiling and she said "Look, uncle is here. " I was doubtful as to who this uncle was. I was seeing him for the first time in my life. Meanwhile, that old man came towards us smiling. He saw us for enough time and asked "Sorry, I am not able to recollect, who are you both ? Do you know me ?" To which my sister replied "Sorry, even we don't know you? " The ladies standing besides us were listening to the conversation and they all started laughing. This was pretty embarrassing. After the man had gone, I asked her why she pointed him out. To which she replied that she was pointing to our uncle who was just behind the old man. We misunderstood. The old man misunderstood. Misunderstanding led to embarrassment. Phew

3. Any crazy thing u have ever done ?

I try various poses for my photography related work. Some poses work well but some become disastrous. Below are few of the disastrous pic.
This is the crazy thing that I keep doing.
Harsha Navalkar crazy things

Harsha Navalkar Crazy things 1

4. One lie u got away with ?

Umm I don't remember any lie, I have got away with because I am a bad liar. Whenever, I lie or try to hide anything, I laugh nonstop, due to which the person in front asks "What's wrong with you ? Why are you behaving in such a manner ? Tell me what has happened ?". I wish I had control on my nerves, I would have lied better.

5. What you do when you are alone at home  ?

Well, I am TV addict. I watch Tv serials. Also, I secretly eat the delicious food that mom makes and warns me not to eat it and keep it for others. A big foodie, can't help it.

6.What is  your most irrational fear ?

My most irrational fear is definitely Sending a message to a wrong person/group. This happens to me frequently. Then, there comes series of laughter and conversations. Only god knows, how I deal with it and sort out the matter. Sometimes I have to tell my fingers to just shut up. Why they send the message to a wrong person ? Huh, Nevertheless, Now, I always try to keep my eyes wide open and see whom I'm chatting to , But still , this will be one of the most irrational fear ,I will have all my life.

7. One thing which nobody knows about you ?

I hate any kind of inequality and injustice done to me or any other person. Be it any competition or any walk of life, people should treat each and every person as equal.

8. Who is your best friend ?

Disha Navalkar, my sister and my best friend. She is the one who always stands by me, no matter what  the situation is. She encourages me to follow my heart, to do what I love  to do, to follow my passion. Whenever I get upset with somebody's cruel words, she encourages me to stay strong and give those words back with dignity. We love each other, we fight with each other on one of the most trivial matters of the world. We both change roles according to the situation . Sometimes I give her advice and sometimes she does. We share a lovely bond.
(And if she's reading this, I'm sure she'll be shocked about how I wrote sugar dipped words for her. )

9. What is your one bad habit  ?

Over thinking was one of my bad habit. Thinking about "What will people think ?" This statement is my first enemy.  I always try to fight and win over it. I am trying to overcome it by carrying a positive attitude "Let people think what they want to, Let them judge,  I don't care. I'll follow my heart. "

10. One song that describes your state of mind ?

So, The song is " Ha Ha me Crazy Hu, kisiko smile dena ,kisiko khush kar jaana agar ye sab crazy he ha ha me crazy Hu...."  It was a Coco cola advertisement song. It perfectly describes my madness, the funny things that I do knowingly unknowingly.

If you are reading this and if you have any questions feel free to post it in the comment section below.

Get to know more about me
Get to know me part 2
Get to know me part 3
