Exploring our nature

Exploring our nature
Keshav Shrusti experience Harsha Navalkar Blog
Nilesh Navalkar Arts
I had gone for a nature trip in keshav Shrusti. Keshav Shrusti is an area dedicated for greenery. It is located in Mira Bhaynder, Thane district, Mumbai.They use environment friendly ways to protect and conserve our Mother Nature.

The most beautiful thing that I felt was that they are not much dependent on external factors for their sustainance. They cultivate their own crops and they have their own artificial lake which fulfills the need of drinking water supply for the people who live in Keshav Shrusti.
Keshav Shrusti has its own agricultural college and 2 schools.

 To suffice the food requirements (to be given to the students of college and schools and the people who work in Keshav Shrusti) they use a parabolic Solar cooker, on which they make food for 50-60 people at a time. They make dals and vegetables on it and it takes approximately 1 and half to 2 hours to cook. In this way, they save the number of cylinders used per year. They have brought it down to 100 per year by using a environment friendly option that is SOLAR COOKER. Isn't it awesome ?😃

After this, we were shown the Gaushala. In India, tremendous importance is given to Cows and that is why Keshav Shrusti has a special area for cows called GAUSHALA. The Guide told us that they have a total of 200 cows out of which only 50-60 cows provide milk supply and others are old. They use the cow urine and make medicines which cure diseases ranging cold cough to cancer. They also make shampoos, soaps, toothpastes and earn 5-6 lakhs only because of Gaushala. The Milk is also given to the students of the agricultural college students. Remaining cow dung is used for vermicomposting and making biogas.

Keshav Shrusti experience Harsha Navalkar Blog gaushala
Gaushala in Keshav Shrusti (Harsha Navalkar Photography)

Keshav Shrusti experience Harsha Navalkar Blog gaushala
Gaushala in Keshav Shrusti (Harsha Navalkar Photography)

 We also saw PLANTS such as kaduchirata, sonamukhi , manduk bhrami ,neer Bhrami, citronella, sarpagandha, raktachandan and many more.We also learnt about advantages of those plants. I must say all the nature lovers must visit this place once.

Keshav shrusti has made their own ARTIFICIAL LAKE which suffice the need of water supply for the entire area and which is also used for irrigation and other agricultural purposes.

Keshav Shrusti experience Harsha Navalkar Blog artificial lake
Artificial Lake in Keshav Shrusti(Harsha Navalkar Photography) 
Then lastly, They conducted a PAPER RECYCLING WORKSHOP where we got a hands on experience and knowledge about paper and recycling process. The papers that they get from schools and colleges under their premises is recycled.

 recycled paper Keshav Shrusti experience Harsha Navalkar Blog
Recycled Paper
Harsha Navalkar blog Daily experience

I would also like to thank our teacher Pratima Tiwari Mam who gave this wonderful opportunity to get more in touch with nature.

Finally, I would say that I was really overwhelmed with the work that they are doing to protect our environment. I think we should all help such great initiatives with whatever little that we can do. LET'S STRIVE FOR A "CLEAN INDIA AND GREEN INDIA." 


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