Chinchani camp part 2

Chinchani camp part 2

If you have not read Chinchani camp part 1 CLICK HERE

After the survey, we had a Group discussion on the problems faced by the villagers in the evening.

The next day , all the NSS volunteers visited the Reliance power plant where we were briefed about the generation of electricity and their horticulture practices.
 They explained us very nicely with awesome presentations. (PS - We also got delicious food and It was really very tasty.)

The day of the medical camp had come. The NSS Volunteers were happy seeing that the villagers were coming for checkup. In the early morning, we again went for the publicity of the medical checkup camp.

 There was hustle and bustle on the streets as there was daily market from 9am-1pm. We told the shopkeepers and the customers about the medical camp and insisted them to come with their family. They were interested to come and the shopkeepers told us that they can come only after the market is closed that is after 1pm.

When we were giving information about the medical camp to a lady shopkeeper she was so humbled that she said "you can take this water bottle for free " (which was of 70 rupees ).Obviously, we didn't take it but we were overwhelmed with the kind of love and compassion these people have for strangers.

We also had various fun activities such as Group Discussions, debate on racism, Housie, T shirt painting.
The Tshirt painting was on the topic "Desh badlo ,soch Badlo " (change your country, change mentality).

After brainstorming, the four of us came up with the idea of meditation. In today's generation, from childhood to old age everyone suffers from stress problems. Students have education stress, stress to excel in every exam. The Employees have workplace stress, stress to complete the tasks before deadline. This increasing level of stress in turn invites various life threatening diseases such as heart attack, blood pressure etc.

Our tagline "MEDITATION FOR CHANGE" is the solution to the problem. Meditation for change tells  that you can change your lifestyle by bringing peace, calmness and optimism. It helps to reduce the stress and in turn lead a healthier and happier life. The other volunteers also poured in their creativity and came up with T shirts with ideas such as Transgender equality, India Pakistan peace, girl power, yoga, eradication of corruption, toilets in the rural areas etc.

Our T shirt represents our tagline "Meditation for change" .The O in Meditation has the symbol of peace. There is an outline of Gautama Buddha which is represented as the symbol of peace and positive rays are emerging and radiating in the world from that soul . The blue color above is the sky and below is the ground.

We also had a fun time at the chinchani beach. The cool breezes kissing my face and swaying the hairs in its direction.

Thank you for reading !! ♡♥

The post is continued in Part 3 . CLICK HERE to read.